Sunday, July 30, 2006

California Green Solutions for business

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Backyard Nature - Wildlife and Habitat Appreciation & Tips

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Southern California personified

Why Southern California? We are creating the SoCal Nature Network because this region has so much in common, and is unique compared to lands north, south, east and the ocean to the west.

The region is highly urbanized with strips of wilderness woven into the urban landscape -- or should we describe it in the reverse -- wilderness with strips of urbanness woven into it?

We share both the beauty and challenges of ocean, desert, mountains and fertile valleys. We share the water resources, the sunshine, the year round moderate weather, the ocean breezes, the hot Santa Ana winds...and the need to conserve our limited natural resources.

We share a common culture that springs out of living together -- yet we are a global community of residents from more than 150 countries and languages around the world. We host visitors from around the globe and our own culture emphasizes travel to those distant points. Diversity is our lifeblood. Eclectic. Changing. Hoping. Growing. And on the verge of greening our own backyards.

I'm thrilled to be here at this exciting time in which sustainability is being born in our communities. Together, we're taking a look at the precious resource of water and creating new ways to protect our supplies, improve the quality, and enjoy the wonder of this elixir of life. We're discovering organic and wild and slow foods. We're enjoying the wonder of wilderness in urban nooks and crannies. We're growing! I'm inspired by the organic model of sprouting life.


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