Friday, September 01, 2006

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Energy Calendar for Southern California - September

It's helpful to know what kinds of conferences and meetings are going on about our power system. If you need to know who the players are, what's happening, and how you can participate as a business or citizen, check out these upcoming meetings:

Renewable Power Project Finance: The Tutorial

September 18-20, 2006
Sheraton San Diego Hotel & Marina - San Diego, CA

Renewables are hot, and getting hotter by the day. But renewable projects have a variety of constraints and intrinsic economics very different from conventional thermal-energy projects. To gain maximum benefit from the boom in renewables, you need to get the best and the latest insight into the peculiarities of the financing market for renewables from the most experienced players in the field.

Renewable Power Project Finance: The Tutorial will follow the format of our well-regarded and long-running Project Finance: The Tutorial, with a day of in-depth coverage on how to structure a renewable deal to best gain access to financing, followed by case studies to explore how to surmount the hurdles that arise in real world projects. The Spring session in New York drew a large crowd of developers, sponsors, lenders and equity capitalists eager to learn and share their experiences.

Clean Fuels for California and the West

September 18, 19

This workshop is for end-users and decision-makers in California, Nevada, Hawaii, and Arizona. It is designed to bring you "up to speed" on new opportunities for combined heat and power – or re-cycling energy on-site, at your facility. It will showcase twelve case studies in three separate tracks – providing real examples of cost-effective technology applications in businesses just like yours! In addition, it will overview the current situation in these states relative to combined heat and power equipment. Learn about incentives, financing strategies, and general "rules of thumb" you’ll need to get your project off the ground and make it pay back as soon as possible.

In addition to the workshop on September 19th, you are welcome to join us at a networking reception on September 18th from 6:00 to 7:30. Take this time to get settled, meet colleagues, and set the groundwork for workshop while enjoying the tropical setting, a range of appetizers, and the sunset.

For more information please contact Vince McDonell , phone: 949-824-5950 x121, email:


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