Tuesday, September 12, 2006

California Green Solutions for business

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Transportation, transportation, transportation...

From the Final Climate Action Team Report...

Transportation is the largest source of climate change emissions in California. The California Air Resources Board’s vehicle climate change standards address a significant portion of the transportation sector. However, an aggressive alternative fuels program will signifi cantly reduce climate change emissions. The California Energy Commission, working with Cal/EPA and its boards and departments and the California Department of Food and Agriculture, are currently developing an aggressive biofuels program that will be available this Spring. This biofuels program should be considered an essential component of the effort to reduce California’s carbon footprint.

Have you heard the metaphor of filling a bottle with large pebbles first, then medium size, then small, then sand....and then water? It applies to prioritizing one's time based on what's important to you...personally.

The same metaphor can apply to the climate warming challenge. First the big stuff. Then the medium. Then the small. Then the seemingingly inconsequential. And then some more!

When you mix in the increasing population, our individual,easy adjustments just aren't going to be enough. Those are the medium size pebbles.

The big pebbles are still industrial. And governmental. The simple fact that the Los Angeles schools have over 100 in-house restaurants -- illustrates that government still plays with the big pebbles.

Where we come in is citizen input. Oversight. Vendors of sustainable solutions offering our services to these government buyers. And letting it be known that buying local not only supports the local tax base -- but it reduces transportation emissions.

Buying local is an ecologically sound way of doing business.

Need an example. Think wetlands. This ecologically local way of processing water is a good role model for us, both personally and "biz-wize".


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