Sunday, December 10, 2006

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SCAG - SoCal region stats

Southern California Association of Governments is a regional planning organization covering the following interdependent community:

6 counties
187 cities
14 subregions
38,000 square miles
18 million residents and growing

If the SCAG region was a country, it would have the world's 10th largest economy.

This region is the largest region in population and size in the United States. It is also the most socially, culturally and economically diverse region in the world. By the year 2030, over five million additional residents will live in the region.

the population in the region is larger than 47 states. Its massive trade infrastructure is the global gateway that serves and feeds the conomy for the US. Over 40 percent of the US container imports and 25 percent of the US container exports pass through the region. Goods movement through our seaports and airports is expected to triple in the next twenty years.

The region's size and diversity bring challnges that cross city, county and state borders:

Our transportation network is constantly struggling to keep up with the ever-rowing demand.

Air pollution generated in one community can impact residents that live 100 miles away.

Housing is falling far short of growing demand, which makes housing even less affordable andavailable.

Land use decisions made in one city can have traffic, environmental and economic impacts on other communities and the region as a whole.


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