Sunday, December 10, 2006

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So Cal Air Quality - SCAG responsiblities

Source: SCAG, page 18


Over one-third of the air pollutants we breathe come from transportation sourcs. The rapidly worsening traffic congestion in the SCAG region poses ongoing air qualty challenges and health threats to the public -- particularly to children, the elederly and other at-risk groups.

SCAG is responsible for ensuring that transportation plans and programs are consistent with air quality goals as required by state and federal rules, a process known as "transportation conformity determination." SCAG must ensure that transportation activities do not worsen air quality nor interfere with the purpose of the State's Implementation Plans (SIPs). To meet this charge, SCAG develops emission reduction strategies for transportation planning.

To help us meet our responsiblities for qir quality conformity we need:

* Community impact and air quality mitigation prorams for goods movement projects
* Air quality program incentives to accelerate fleet turn-over to reduce regional emissions...
* Programs that create incentives for cost-effective, market-based approaches that promote good air-qualty by encouraging pedestrian/bike-friendly redevelopment projects...
*Regulatory action to reduce mobile source emissions...


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