LEED - Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design is leading the green building movement
There's a new sheriff in town -- and he's sporting a green badge! His name is LEED. And that's Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design to you, pa'dner.
Buildings that use the the US Green Builders Council LEED(R) green building rating system as their benchmark for green building deliver immediate and measurable results through energy, water, and material efficiency; stronger financial performance; and better health and productivity for the people who live and work in them. Cities that embrace and encourage green building practices reap the same immediate and measurable results, including a healthier balance sheet, a healthier environment, and healthier people
LEED is a building standard that measures such things as the kind of plumbing used, the roofing, the amount of green space, the treatment of runoff, and even the kind of paint or wall covering used. Points are given for each conservation measure built into a building's structure and finishing touches.
LEED conservation planning and building is not only being applied to office buildings and residential buildings, but schools. Our children are able to learn better, breathe better and enjoy more natural lighting, and contact with the outdoors -- real nature.
Building and real estate industry members can take courses to become certified in LEED property design and mangement principles. These principles are going a long way toward cleaning up urban living spaces -- affecting quality of life by respecting air, water, land, habitat, wildlife and people.