Green Products Directory
From solar lighting to low-water toilets to bamboo...and 1597 more sustainable products...
Green Building Products, covers everything from porous paving systems to photovoltaic roofing shingles and top-efficiency appliances. Products are organized according to building component, but can also be found in the index under manufacturer or product name. The book includes more than 250 product photos.
The new edition includes nearly 1,600 product listings from the GreenSpecĀ® database of green building products, which the company has maintained since 1998.
Products are selected for GreenSpec using criteria that Environmental Building News editors have developed over more than ten years. These criteria include recycled content, FSC-certified wood, avoidance of toxic constituents, reduction of construction impacts, energy or water savings, and contributing to a safe, healthy indoor environment. The full list of criteria can be downloaded for free from the BuildingGreen website.
Manufacturers do not pay to have products included in GreenSpec or in Green Building Products. "We base selections on careful in-house review by our editorial staff," said Wilson. "Keeping an arm's-length relationship from manufacturers allows us to be non-biased when we are evaluating company claims," he said.
Green Building Products sells for $34.95 (plus shipping) and is available from BuildingGreen, Inc. and selected book sellers.