Friday, August 04, 2006

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USC Center for Sustainable Cities

Here's the official scoop: "The Center for Sustainable Cities engages in multidisciplinary research and education on the environmental, social and economic sustainability challenges facing metropolitan regions, and contributes to the development of public policy that improves the natural and human environment of cities."

Here's the informal scoop: get info, get connected, get motivated by urban nature! This site offers news and insights to help you pursue your passion or career in urban sustainable living.

USC Center for Sustainable Cities

USC Center for Sustainable Cities
Kaprielian Hall 416
University of Southern California
3620 S. Vermont Ave.
Los Angeles, CA 90089-0255

phone: (213) 821-1325
fax: (213) 740-9687

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Nature Today Magazine -- a treasure to discover

I just discovered a Southern California nature magazine! Yeah!

It talks about the urban/wildland interface, wildlife, conservation, and most of all, a loving appreciation of the air, land, water and life we get to enjoy all year long! Check it out, there's a free sample PDF you can download at USC's Center for Sustainable Cities...and then you can go subscribe to support this very needed and welcome addition to the story-scape of Southern California.

Nature Today Magazine for SoCal and Beyond

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Los Angeles and Orange County Beaches - Clickable Maps

Finding your way to the urban beaches of Southern California isn't as simple as it sounds. You have to find parking space, access, and even basic facilities like bathrooms! Here are a couple helpful links:

These "clickable" maps provide information on access and facilities for beaches in Los Angeles County. Internationally recognizable pictograms show recreational uses, beach features and amenities for beach locations, including lifeguard services and parking.

Seagrant's Guide to Los Angeles County Beaches
Seagrant's Guide to Orange County Beaches

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SolFest in Hopland, CA August 19-20

SolFest® - 11th Annual Event

August 19-20, 2006

10:00 AM - 7:00 PM Saturday -- 10:00 AM - 6:30 PM Sunday

+ Sat., Aug. 19 Moondance

Solar Living Center - Hopland, CA

Headlining the show will be the David Grisman Bluegrass Experience. For more than 40 years, mandolinist/composer David Grisman has inspired a whole new genre of acoustic string instrumental music. Additional musical acts include Vince Herman, New Monsoon, and Hot Buttered Rum.

Great speakers and workshops are just as important to many of you. We will have five workshop areas this year, covering topics from renewable energy and post-petroleum preparation to yoga and health. Over 50 workshops are free with the price of admission.

You can hear the latest news in alternative fuels, with experts discussing pros and cons of biodiesel, hydrogen, ethanol and electric vehicles.

And volunteers are needed!

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Natural Sounds of California

Wildlife watching is in the "top 3" hobbies in the US. While we think about "seeing" wildlife -- we also absorb a lot about nature by sound. However, it's difficult to identify unfamiliar species by sound alone. So.... here's a website that shares both sounds and sight of some of California's fascinating wildlife.

The Oakland Museum of California hosts an exploration of the natural sounds of California.

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Global Green offers ideas and environmentally friendly samples

Did you know: The built environment accounts for 48 percent of the total human contribution to global warming.

I visited the the Green Building Resource Center in Santa Monica recently and was fascinated by their display of environmentally friendly building materials. They have a wall filled with samples and notes about cost and applications. And they have fliers, handouts and a knowledgeable person to answer your questions.

But if you can’t get to their resource center, their website offers great info as well:

The Green Building Resource Center,, 2218 Main St, Santa Monica, 90405, phone: 310.452.7677,

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

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OCEAN conservation - Changing Baselines video contest

Like to fish? This is the tale about the big one that didn't quite get away: Tiny Fish

Seriously, ocean health is a big issue these days and poking a little fun at the problem never hurts -- as long as we turn to the serious side of the issue and do something.

Shifting Baselines is a nonprofit media organization that's helping spread the word that we benefit from protecting our beaches and ocean. Check 'em out -- you'll have a few chuckles to share with your buddies.

And if you create videos (or know someone who does)--they have a great PSA contest going on.

Check out their blog for more fun and ideas.

Shifting Baselines Ocean Media Project
5254 Melrose Ave., Ste. D-112
Los Angeles, CA 90089
United States
Phone: 323-960-4517

Monday, July 31, 2006

California Green Solutions for business

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The recipe for "taste plus nutrition" that big food companies are suddenly cooking up in large batches has been developed mostly by small startups. From organic frozen dinners and homegrown BBQ sauces, to reduced fat sausages and whole grain crackers, entrepreneurs have been health segment innovators for years, and now are reaping the rewards in product sales and acquisitions by larger companies.

Helping them make these strides are food/nutrition consultants such as Palate Works, which recently unveiled an online startup/tune-up kit at The kit contains essential links and tips for developing, launching and marketing food products, particularly healthier ones.

Turning a recipe into a product is the ultimate dream for many food lovers. Less enjoyable is all the leg (and keyboard) work required to bring a product to market.

The Palate Works kit compresses years of experience working with food companies and hundreds of hours of research and instantly connects users to commercial kitchens, business classes, brokers and nutrition testing services, as well as sources of funding, ingredients, packaging, etc.

Palate Works also hosts the Nutrition Bloopers column (a "how-not-to" of food labeling), and helps evaluate foods for, a no-advertising listing of products selected for taste and nutrition.

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Filters for indoor pollution from California wildfires

Many Californians are rightly concerned about how the wildfires sweeping across the state are impacting their indoor air quality. Wildfires create what's known as PM10 -- particles fewer than 10 microns in diameter. These particles are small enough to be inhaled deep into the lungs, where they evade the respiratory system's natural defenses and could possibly trigger health problems.

PM10 can increase the number and severity of asthma attacks, cause or aggravate bronchitis and other lung diseases, and reduce the body's ability to fight infections.

Certain sensitive populations (including individuals with asthma or other respiratory diseases, individuals with cardiovascular disease, the elderly, children and smokers) are susceptible to more serious symptoms, including cough, phlegm, wheezing, shortness of breath, bronchitis, increased asthma attacks, and aggravation of lung or heart disease. Some sensitive people might experience health problems after even short exposures to fine particles, such as several hours or a day.

However, some air purifiers can help alleviate these issues, particularly those with HEPA filters that are capable of removing 99% of common household particles such as smoke, dust, pollen and cat dander. True HEPA air purifiers can help capture particles as small as 0.3 microns from the air passing through their filters. Each model features a fan to circulate the air, helping to pull the air in, filter it and release fresher, cleaner air into the room. In addition, independent lab tests have proven True HEPA air purifiers help reduce airborne bacteria, mold spores and fungus. Featuring carbon activated pre-filters, these units will also help reduce smoke odors.

It's recommended that air purifiers are placed in the areas of the home where people spend the most time, such as bedrooms and living rooms.

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Cap-and-trade system for carbon dioxide allowances

That sounds intimidating! But Governor Schwarzenegger and Tony Blair are making plans to create a trans-Atlantic strategy to move toward cleaner technologies. If established, the trading system would join Europe's mandatory system, along with a voluntary system created by Northeastern U.S. states, and the Chicago Climate Exchange, a privately run, voluntary national system. Emissions trading is an administrative approach to providing economic incentives for reducing pollutants.

For more info check out Wikipedia Emissions Trading, The Mercury News or the Wall Street Journal

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Star Light for smiles and fun

It's a reality of life. We notice the big trees outstanding in the field...and we notice the stars in the big sky of entertainment. Here are a couple stars who are shining their light on living sustainably:


Sundance founder, Robert Redford announced that Sundance Channel will launch SUNDANCE CHANNEL GREEN in early 2007. These green beings will present original series and documentary premieres about the earth's ecology and concepts of "green" living that balance human needs with responsible environmental stewardship. The Sundance Channel will become the first television network in the United States to establish a significant, regularly-scheduled programming destination dedicated entirely to the environment.

Julia Roberts, who starred in "Erin Brokovich" is putting her interest in sustainable living into being spokes-star for Dallas based Earth Biofuels. Morgan Freeman and Willie Nelson are also supporting biofuel as a green energy option.

Sunday, July 30, 2006

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Ballona Wetlands - Emblematic of our journey

Southern California is a vast ecosystem that stretches from ocean to inland valleys. In that stretch you find tidal wetlands such as this photo of the Ballona Wetlands that give and take from the waters of the Santa Monica Bay in the little oceanside town of Playa del Rey. The wetlands are being restored and their biodiversity is growing. Maybe this is an emblematic image for the goal of a sustainable habitat in all of Southern California. A well trampled pathway that both guides and protects as we walk in wonder.

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Southern California personified

Why Southern California? We are creating the SoCal Nature Network because this region has so much in common, and is unique compared to lands north, south, east and the ocean to the west.

The region is highly urbanized with strips of wilderness woven into the urban landscape -- or should we describe it in the reverse -- wilderness with strips of urbanness woven into it?

We share both the beauty and challenges of ocean, desert, mountains and fertile valleys. We share the water resources, the sunshine, the year round moderate weather, the ocean breezes, the hot Santa Ana winds...and the need to conserve our limited natural resources.

We share a common culture that springs out of living together -- yet we are a global community of residents from more than 150 countries and languages around the world. We host visitors from around the globe and our own culture emphasizes travel to those distant points. Diversity is our lifeblood. Eclectic. Changing. Hoping. Growing. And on the verge of greening our own backyards.

I'm thrilled to be here at this exciting time in which sustainability is being born in our communities. Together, we're taking a look at the precious resource of water and creating new ways to protect our supplies, improve the quality, and enjoy the wonder of this elixir of life. We're discovering organic and wild and slow foods. We're enjoying the wonder of wilderness in urban nooks and crannies. We're growing! I'm inspired by the organic model of sprouting life.

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Sprouting the SoCal Nature Network

July 30, 2006 marks the birth of the SoCal Nature Blog to share ideas about ways to enjoy and improve quality of life across Southern California. This is the public conversation for Southern California Nature Network -- which is launching a comprehensive database of nonprofit organizations, private businesses and public agency programs that will help people explore, learn and solve problems related to air, water and land resources in Southern California. Want a simpler explanation? If you have a question like -- How do I prevent opossoms from eating my avocados? or Where do I find a gardener who knows about native plants? or Where do I find organic food in SoCal? we will be providing links to resources to answer those challenges.

Your suggestions of providers, as well as your questions are the heart of this growing bumper crop of resources. So bring it on! Let's grow together.

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