Renewable energy certificates (RECs), also known as green certificates, green tags, or tradable renewable certificates, represent the environmental attributes of the power produced from renewable energy projects and are sold separate from commodity electricity. Customers can buy green certificates whether or not they have access to green power through their local utility or a competitive electricity marketer. And they can purchase green certificates without having to switch electricity suppliers.
Retail Products by State summarizes green power products available to retail customers in states with competitive electricity markets.
Certificate Marketers
Here at US Dept of Energy you will find information and news about wholesale and retail renewable energy certificate marketers and brokers.
Company and product listings do not represent endorsement by either the National Renewable Energy Laboratory or the U.S. Department of Energy.
Why is California missing?
The Energy Center went on line to offer the public a one-stop site on the Internet for the latest information about energy resources and how to use them wisely at home, work and in vehicles.
By law (Senate Bill 1305), all competitive energy service providers (ESPs) must provide information on their power supply mix to customers on a quarterly basis along with any offers or written promotional materials.
According to the Califronia Energy Commission:
California with its abundant natural resources has had a long history of support for renewable energy. In 2004, 10.2 percent of all electicity came from renewable resources such as wind, solar, geothermal, biomass and small hydroelectric facilities. Large hydro plants generated another 14.9 percent of our electricity.
California has aggressively established its Renewable Portfolio Standard Program, with the goal of increasing the percentage of renewable energy in the state's electricity mix to 33 percent by 2020.
In January 2006, the California Public Utilities Commission created the California Solar Initiative (CPUC ruling - R.04-03-017) which moves the consumer renewable energy rebate program for existing homes from the Energy Commission to the utility companies under the direction of the CPUC. This new incentive program, for renewable systems of less than one megawatt, begins in January 2007 and provides a total of $2.9 billion over ten years.
The California Energy Commission is offering cash rebates on eligible grid-connected renewable energy electric-generating systems through its Emerging Renewables Program. For energy systems larger than 30 kilowatts, please contact your local electric utility company for the state's "Self Generation Program."
Are you confused yet? California has a patchwork quilt of programs. I'm hot on the trail to sort it the meantime, here is a list of a few Southern California resources and patches in the quilt.
Utility Consumers' Action Network is a non=for-profit agency whose mission is to educate and protect San Diego county consumers in the areas of essential energy, utility and telecom services.
A table of Financial Incentives for Solar Energy with company, technology, eligibility district and contact information.
For Example:
Green LA Solar Program
PV technology
Los Angeles Dept. Water & Power customers
Green LA Solar
800- 473-3652
The link is broken...but when you search the LADWP site, you find a variety of articles. One states that in 2006 the Solar Photovoltaic Rebate Program was approved as a new performance based program provides financial rebates to LADWP customers who install solar systems on their homes or businesses. LADWP's 10-year, $150 million solar photovoltaic buy-down rebate program, which began in 2000 and runs through June 2011, encourages residents and businesses to use clean, renewable energy by providing rebates that reduce the cost of installing solar electric systems.
And The Green Power for a Green LA Program gives all residents the opportunity to support cleaner energy resources for Los Angeles. By signing up, you can actually help bring more renewable power to LA - electricity that is cleaner than fossil fuels and nuclear energy. The price for new green power is slightly higher than power generated from conventional sources such as coal and oil. LADWP's residential Green Power Program enables you to support renewable energy by paying a small premium on your bill. The extra cost for this package is 6% or approximately $3 a month for the average customer with a monthly electricity cost of $50. Customers who sign up for Green Power receive two complimentary compact fluorescent bulbs.